Mixing rooms

They are also called "mixingboxes" and are used to store handy, so-called ' twenty-four hour 'amount of spraying materials in the form of systems of paint mixers or in case of industrial applications - in bulk packs.

It is an excellent place, separated from the rest of the paint shop for installing a distiller and a sprayguns cleaner.

The ASTHERM mixing box is built with the same, non-flammable panels we manufacture our spraybooths. It is equipped with safe exhaust ventilation system with anti-explosion fan and the safe lighting . We always adapt the box dimensions individually to existing housing conditions.
ASTHERM - manufacturer and supplier of spray booths, spray-bake booths and preparation stations - Mixing room for industry

In special cases the mixing room can be equipped with a system of constant measurement of solvents concentration, connected to a watchdog and the automatic ventilation system.


Since 2008 continuously we participate in the  Reliable Company program  and we may provide  informations confirming our credibility. Since 2013 our activity is based on the quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard - the number of our certificate is : 12 100 45513 TMS.
Astherm Sp. z o.o.

05-540 Ustanów, Polska
ul. Sadowa 10

KRS: 0000232042
NIP: 123-10-48-349
Nr konta: 09 1910 1048 2787 7758 1378 0001